Vietnam on a new course with Europe

31 October 2022

This event will provide businesses, members of bilateral chambers, business associations and other organizations, with current perspectives and opportunities on the EVFTA’s access privileges for businesses, and discuss important issues affecting the Vietnamese business sector.

We are particularly pleased to announce Vietnam expert Dr. Oliver Massmann. He holds a PhD in international business law and brings 20 years of experience as a business lawyer in Vietnam and our DAW representative of Vietnam. Furthermore, we expect H. E. the Ambassador of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, Vu Quang Minh, from Berlin as well as other experts from VIETIN BANK, Michael Wolber – Executive Board, and GTAI Germany Trade and Invest, Klaus Möbius.

Dr. Oliver Massmann, international lawyer based in Hanoi and team leader of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement Implementation Assistance project, will introduce the key provisions and explain step-by-step procedures to comply with them, against the backdrop of the EVFTA’s access privileges for EU service providers and other business people. The session will be interactive and provide an opportunity to discuss important issues affecting the Vietnamese business environment.

Please feel free to forward our invitation email to colleagues and/or other companies/ organizations that may be interested in attending this event.

We look forward to receiving your registration.

17:00 hrs Registration

18:00 hrs Welcome and introduction
Joy E. Thanarajah, Vice-President, Deutsch-Asiatischer Wirtschaftskreis e. V.
(German-Asian Business Circle)

18:15 hrs Words of greeting
S. E. Botschafter Vu Quang Minh, of Peoples Republic Vietnam

18:30 hrs Opportunities and potentials of the Vietnamese financial market
Michael Wolber, Managing Director of Vietinbank, branch Germany

18:45 hrs Statement on the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement from GTAI’s point of view and current situation overview
Klaus Möbius, German Trade & Invest

19:05 hrs Doing business and investing in Vietnam – what you need to know!
Dr. Oliver Massmann, GM Duane Morris LLP Vietnam, DAW-Repräsentant

20:00 hrs Questions and answers

20:15 hrs Invitation to the buffet and drinks




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